After the groundbreaking Agreement in the case against Wells Fargo (please see blog entry titled Victory for NTFHC for more details), the North Texas Fair Housing Center (NTFHC) is pleased to announce a new partnership with Wells Fargo aimed at working to restore and rebuild neighborhoods that are predominantly African American and Hispanic.
The partnership is aimed at fostering home ownership, rebuilding neighborhoods and promoting diverse and inclusive communities throughout the country. NTFHC’s partnership with Wells Fargo means that we will be looking to provide grants of up to $250,000 to non-profit groups that help with programs aimed at increasing home ownership and neighborhood stabilization in predominantly African American and Hispanic neighborhoods. NTFHC’s hope is that non-profits, who provide these services, will expand into targeted neighborhoods or if they see a gap in an existing program, use this money to fill that need. Our goal is to aid non-profits with new and creative ideas that fall into one of the following areas:
1. Housing Rehabilitation – programs aimed at rehabbing vacant or abandoned housing for sale or rent; new construction; housing repairs for those who are up to 120% AMI.
2. Neighborhood Stabilization (General) – programs that help people stay in owner occupied housing to create a more stable neighborhood with less turnover or foreclosed on property
3. Neighborhood Stabilization (Quality of Life) – Get Creative! Examples could include beautifying a neighborhood from a vacant lot into a park or urban garden, adding art/sculpture/murals to a public area, adding playground equipment for those with disabilities, repairing recreational trails used by the public or adding accessible features for individuals with disabilities to enjoy those spaces.
4. Accessibility Modifications – programs that provide accessibility modifications to homeowners that have disabilities or are elderly
5. Down payment assistance – funds to assist with homeownership or closing costs for those who are up to 120% AMI.
For project requirements, funding eligibility and due dates please click here.