Over 40 community members and representatives from the press came out to support fair housing. There were reporters from the Dallas Morning News, Univision, the Star-Telegram and Channel 8 News. Shanna Smith, President of the National Fair Housing Alliance in Washington, DC spoke about fair housing from a national perspective.
NTFHC’s Executive Director, revealed the shocking results from our 2011 Rental Audit of the Dallas – Fort Worth Metroplex. The Rental Audit showed that African Americans who are otherwise qualified can expect to encounter discrimination in 37% of their housing searches in the Metroplex. This means that African Americans will face discrimination in two out of every five housing searches. The Rental Audit also showed that Hispanics can expect to encounter discrimination in 33% of their housing searches in North Texas. This means that Hispanics will experience discrimination at least once in every three housing searches. NTFHC also measured discrimination against families with children in the Metroplex. The results of the Rental Audit showed that families with children can expect to experience discrimination in 20%, or one in five, of their housing searches. CLICK HERE to read the full report.
Before the formation of the North Texas Fair Housing Center, the Dallas – Fort Worth Metroplex was the largest metropolitan area in the United States that did not have a private fair housing organization.
NTFHC’s Executive Director made an appeal to the media, government agencies, cities, and other nonprofit organizations to collaborate with one another in order to stop the perpetuation of housing discrimination and promote integration!